CREDIT: paenvironmentdigest.com
I had a dear friend named Cliff Jones. He passed away in 2008. He was loved by so many. In his final months of life, we’d spend most Tuesday afternoons together going birding. He LOVED birds and I tried to catch up, but I was over 4,000 species behind and knew basically nothing about birds. Plus, I didn’t sit still to wait for anything very well. But I miss those precious moments immensely.
What I miss most about that time with my hero was his intentionality. He knew he only had weeks or months to live, so he didn’t spend time on silly questions or comments. He always moved and spoke with great purpose. He was quick to cut off my long-winded answers that strayed away from the real questions he was asking.
I revered Cliff so heavily that I seriously considered his counsel on all facets of life — including his encouragement that I get serious and propose to my now wife. On one of our very last gatherings alone, he told me, “Soon I’ll be gone, Ryan. You think you need me to lead, but you are a leader. Fight the temptation to need me. Go change the face of Africa through Forgotten Voices.” He yearned for the best for me. That conversation – in all its honesty – will be one of my most treasured in life.
God used Cliff to speak into my life and give me a grander vision for my future than I could see or believe possible. I needed a champion, not just for then. His legacy still fuels me.
Why do I tell you all of this? As I was thinking yesterday about my time with Cliff, I also remembered the many, many moments I’ve shared bedside with mothers and fathers about to lose their lives. As they implore the local church pastor to care for their children, I remember the determination, sincerity, and purpose in their eyes. The bold vision they have for their children, even if it is unrealistic. They are parents, yearning for a better life. These dying parents didn’t have time to be anything less than prophetically hopeful.
Their dying wishes are both overwhelming and profoundly hopeful.
You and I, through Forgotten Voices, have an opportunity to make sure that the counsel and imploring of dying parents is answered. Children are often told by their dying parents to trust the church — go there and find the hope that you seek. Children literally wait on the doorsteps of churches. Today, pastors we work with in Africa find these children and then pray for God to hear their cries. Maybe that’s your opportunity to invest in a legacy. This is nothing short of an awesome honor for you and me, if we invest in their dying wish.
How awesome is it that God orchestrated Cliff encouraging me to dive in, as one of his wishes for my life. I’m forever thankful for some of his final words. Daily, I’m driven in part by a desire to realize this grand vision Cliff had for me AND parents have for the children they leave behind. Above all, though, I’m driven by an unquenchable desire to use my life to draw others closer to the heart of God. I’m so glad you have joined us. Through Forgotten Voices, we have an immensely awesome opportunity to invest in the dying wishes that matter. Thank you for joining us on this journey.